Befriending networks is the largest network of befriending services in the world, providing sector-specific training, events, resources and support. Join today!
We handle all sales enquiries personally, by phone or email, so as to ensure we meet your specific requirements. Our normal business hours are Monday to Friday
The Housing Finance Network gets people talking about the real issues in a tough climate: value for money, costs, efficiencies, making savings, business planning and managing risk.
Magdalene operates a purpose built 24/7 fully resilient carrier class network operations centre, providing the highest quality of telecommunications support services to customers.
UK5G UK5G is the national innovation network dedicated to the promotion of research, collaboration and the industrial application of 5G in the UK. Its mission is
Network Computing is the UK's longest established magazine dedicated to network management. The magazine aims to lead the debate, understand the challenges, examine
Ex networks provides infrastructure solutions in london and the uk including data centre services, colocation, ip services and our vmware vdc platform.
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