List of companies in Switzerland
Google's Motion Photos are a neat trick for capturing precious moments, but they are non-standard and I prefer to strip them down to standard JPEGs.
Diverse topics: astronomy, computer, electronic, 3d, graphics
This is an artist photographer personal website, elegant and simple design. Presenting the artists work and projects Sidewalk lessons, haiti the perpetual liberation, liberation...
Rokfor is mainly a software to generate books and various printed matter. Rokfor‘s team members are gina bucher, editing, urs hofer, programming and rafael koch, graphic design
Auf dieser Seite finden Sie alles wissenswerte zu unserer Gemeinde. Ausserdem können Sie am Online Schalter Dienstleistungen in Anspruch nehmen.
Hi Slider - the coolest, easy to use and free HTML5, jQuery & WordPress Image Slider Gallery Maker. Win & Mac, Andoroid, IOS, Windows Phone, creat amazing slideshow in minutes without any coding.
Showcase von michele limina, fotograf
Efficient algorithms and image processing software