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List of companies in Switzerland
Showcasing the amazing world of games.
Jtr – games heute und gestern – gamen, retro, pinballs
Current Vacancies There are no vacancies at the moment. We'll update this page as soon as a role becomes available. Please understand that we can not answer to all unsolicited applicat…
Okomotive is an indie game studio based in zurich, switzerland. The company was founded in 2017 by don schmocker and goran saric and is the team behind the upcoming game far: changing tides
Swiss-based game studio gbanga creates award-winning mixed-reality games that entertain players world-wide since 2007.
Abonniere unseren Newsletter und erhalte monatlich spannende Velo-Geschichten, exklusive Angebote und persönliche Empfehlungen. Als Velonews-Abonnent profitierst profitierst...
A massive multiplayer adventure built for Mixer Interactive! Recruit a party to play right from your chat. All hands on deck for tricky combat, exciting events
Der EVZ hat nach einer schwierigen Phase den Weg zurück zum Sieg gefunden und das Spiel gegen den HC Ajoie deutlich mit 7:1 gewonnen.
Ecole de bande dessinée game art illustration peinture epac - école professionnelle des arts contemporains european bachelor et master