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List of companies in Switzerland
HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE SICHH SA is a unique research institute dedicated to the development of medical solutions for human health. We develop custom research
The swiss spirit of invention, top-class qualification, the continuous efforts taken in r&d and the ambitions to exceed customer needs prove that switzerland is the cradle of innovation.
→ ODB System ® : Oil Degradation by Bacteria System
On Monday 21st of November 2016 an article presenting Twingtec’s technology has been published in the Tages Anzeiger, a local newspaper edited in Zurich, in the knowledge” section. Download article (in German)
News – Fondazione Curzútt
Discover the classic range of le jour watches, designed with eye catching collections that embody iconic swiss luxury and excellence. All timepieces are crafted
As an innovator within the phytopharma space, pharmotech combines leading knowledge with natural, active ingredients to combat multidrug resistant (mdr-mrsa) bacteria.
Faites appel à une agence de placement et travaillez où et quand vous voulez ! Chez Valjob, postulez et nous nous chargeons du reste.