List of companies in Norway
KSAT delivers high reliability communications for launch vehicles and satellites during critical early mission operations. Highly reliable monitoring and control
We are curious and knowledge-seeking. We identify opportunities to develop and harness space technology and satellite data for the future.
Space Norway har som formål å forvalte og videreutvikle sikkerhetskritisk, romrelatert infrastruktur som dekker viktige norske samfunnsbehov.
Overview EIDEL Secure Satellite Link (SSL) enables secure communication for ground-space, space-space and space-ground communication. Through encryption, the SSL
Vi tilbyr overnatting, bespisning og aktiviteter. Lokalisert i den vakre bygda bø på yttersida av andøya, aller lengst nord i nordland fylke Her har vi slått oss
Andøya space is an aerospace company which enables scientists, engineers, students and government entities to achieve mission success.
The agreement with the satellite program providers is extended until January 23, 2025. This extension ensures that users will not lose access to satellite monitoring
European space camp – european space camp
Improved visual data can help people better understand complex situations during critical situations where rapid decisions may save lives & costs.
Thursday 25 April from 19–22 Kunstnernes Hus, Wergelandsveien 17 Welcome to this year’s opening party with performers B16 and Mariama Ndure, and the announcement of this year's honorary award recipient.