List of companies in the Netherlands
VLIEG Brokers, Mortgages & Insurance - VLIEG Advies Groep
We are financial / mortgage advisors for expats who want to buy a house in the netherlands. Let us help you realize your dream property
The advice provided by De Hypotheker is completely independent as we compare all mortgage providers in the Netherlands to get you the best deal.
Get advice and information on mortgages from the independent advice agency de Kredieter in Amsterdam. Make an appointment.
Mortgage advice for expats: ➡️ residential mortgage, buy-to-let, refinance, increase mortgage, divorce, keep-to-let. ➡️book a free call today!
Gain insights into the wider Expat Mortgages community and updates on topics of interest to people looking for mortgages in the Netherlands
We've perfect knowledge of the market and regulations and over 25 years experience with expat services. Feel free to contact us!
Stater NV - Mortgage Services, an INFOSYS company
Team Concepts is an independent company devoted to ensuring that expats in Amsterdam receive expert, personalized mortgage advice.
Cournot helpt particulieren o.a. bij aankoopbegeleiding en het verlagen van de WOZ waarde. Wij besparen U tijd, geld en gedoe!