List of companies in Italy
Glp: intellectual property. Patents, trademarks and legal assistance
The ITALCHECK Trademark can be used by companies which, meeting the requirements and making the request, produce and/or market goods included in the classes referred
Have you lost an object in a taxi, do you want to open a complaint or collaborate with us? Contact us, we are always at your disposal.
Azucena has always been held in the highest esteem as an italian brand, combining formal elegance, understated luxury and an aesthetical purity in its collections, all manufactured to the highest standard.
Guidati dal nostro scopo di proteggere la vita, della proprietà e delle ambiente, dnv permette alle aziende di promuovere la sicurezza e la sostenibilità delle loro attività.
Controllori, azionamenti, motori, periferiche, librerie software e applicativi. Soluzioni complete per l'automazione industriale
3d, 3d design, 3d forming, 3d modeling, 3d printer, 3d printers, 3d printing, additive manufacturing, apparecchiature meccaniche, assembling kit, didattica, dlp
Emme Record Label is Trademark of Emme Produzioni Musicali SP 41/B – Via Farense 55 02032, Fara in Sabina (Ri) tel. +39 0765 470195 tel. +39 328 766 45 85 gps
Music & lights is a leading company distributing professional audio, video and lighting equipment for any professional in the entertainment industry.
Very Wood is a trademark of Gervasoni Spa / Via del Lavoro, 88 33050 – Pavia di Udine (UD) – Italy / +39 0432 656611 [email protected]
Since 1919, ferrario continues on the path marked by its founder. The love for colour and the deep knowledge of its use are combined with research and innovation to propose quality products
MILANO, Settembre 2024 Riconfermata e sempre più solida la partnership tra le due realtà in occasione della Milano Fashion Week® Women’s Collection. Una collaborazione proficua quella tra CNMI e la […]
Una boccata d'arte coinvolge ogni anno 20 artiste e artisti di nazionalità differenti, 20 comuni italiani e 20 curatori per realizzare 20 progetti d'arte contemporanea
Riccardo barthel's artisan excellence: from taps to lamps, from handles to bathroom and kitchen accessories.
Aquila strings china | aquila trading co., ltd.
Edge of forever - hard rock band from italy. The motivational lyrics, infused with positive mental attitude and stoicism, all under the native american spiritual culture, are now a trademark of the band!
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