List of companies in Italy
We are happy to invite you in joining us at the event BioInItaly Investment Forum National Roadshow”, on Tuesday 28th, 202o in Bari, Italy. A forum for biotechnology and life sciences…
Atpr&d is an innovative start-up focused on research and development in biotechnology fields
Information about upcoming career and scientific activities of the Austrian Association of Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology (ÖGMBT).
Roma 10 maggio 2023 La Biotech Takis in prima linea per lo sviluppo di soluzioni contro patogeni ad alto potenziale epidemico/pandemico.
Welcome - European Biotechnology Thematic Network Association
Seminar: ‘Building credibility in neuroimaging through open science' – Sept 4, 2024 | NeuroMI – Milan Center for Neuroscience
I vigneri: viticoltori autoctoni etnei. Una realtà operante sull'etna ed in sicilia orientale Scopri i vini etna doc di salvo foti
We are committed to building a fair society that respects rights and actively combats climate change. Our mission is to create a positive impact on people and the
Fifth National Congress ISSBB (Italian Society for Space Biomedicine & Biotechnology)
Il GA10 è un sistema di allerta C-RAM (Counter - Rocket, Artillery, Mortar) portatile e di allerta precoce della zona di impatto per la protezione delle basi e
Contact | Chemical Engineering Transactions