List of companies in Ireland
Helping musicians with their administrative work, so they can focus on their music while generating more income. Tailored services to your needs
All the various categories of musicians on, all of whom are based in Ireland - from string quartets to solo singers to bagpipers.
Fáilte go loch garman! welcome to wexford! traditional musicians of all ages are invited to gather in wexford from 4-11 august to celebrate fleadh cheoil 2024!
Disfmf is an independent festival dedicated to bring together film makers and musicians from around the world in a forum to celebrate short films and music. Team - Professional Musicians (Musicians are of the highest caliber from The RTE Concert Orchestra & The National Symphony Orchestra).
Music Network makes high quality live music accessible to communities throughout Ireland, while helping musicians to develop fulfilling careers.
Irish bands and artists continue to thrive on the global musical stage. Whilst some of those listed here may have been musicians for a long time, their careers
Dedicated to the promotion and preservation of irish traditional music, comhaltas is a non-profit cultural movement with hundreds of branches around the world.
Mui | musicians' union of ireland
Services Every financial story requires chapter and verse, a robust structure. ETL Noone Casey provides the accounting compliance, the audit assurance and the taxation
Contact Us | UCC Creative
So Mi! a fun series of music lessons where children enjoy music-making and take early steps in their musical development. Early years music for our young musicians of the future in Donegal!
Experience traditional live music every weekend at nancy hands' bar and restaurant. Our stage comes alive with the finest local irish musicians every friday and
Multitalented Sara Watkins Inspires Young Musicians
Irish wedding piper uilleann pipes, Irish music, church ceremony, Galway city and couty musician for weddings civil ceremonies traditional
Music Producer Music Production Musician and Ableton Live lessons
Home Courses Courses Explore Traditional Irish Music Courses We offer self-paced, expert tuition in all these Irish instruments, for all levels. Our most popular