List of companies in Germany
DLed : Programming / Photography / Music / Notes
Hello, there! this is my personal website covering various topics from music to design, programming and more.
Programming an AR Drone Firmware with JS (de) - Speaker Deck
Phpugffm | one programming language::one community
Extreme programming - Wikipedia
Home | - perl programming and more
Tonstudio | musikproduktion | songs | arrangements | programmings | mix & mastering in offenburg, ortenau
GiNaC, an open framework for symbolic computation within the C++ programming language
With flexmobility platform you create business apps without programming - in a short time and intuitively ✔ the apps are native, flexible etc.
About us Weinzierl Engineering GmbHAchatz 3-4DE-84508 Burgkirchen an der Alz Phone: +49 (0)8677 / 91 636 – 0 Email for general questions or orders: [email protected]
Google code archive - long-term storage for google code project hosting.
Top trumps card game with programming languages. Contribute to Suplanus/CodeQuartett development by creating an account on GitHub.
Joomla! template programming - Andre Hotzler EDV-Dienstleistungen
Profile: bblipp | Hacker News
GNU Octave is a programming language for scientific computing. – programmierung | musik | sound-design
Random compilation by deborah schmidt. Creative programming with openframeworks, arduino, linux et al