List of companies in Germany
Die Stadtsparkassen München verleihen jährlich ihren Gründerpreis an Teams herausragender Gründer:innen. Unter den fünf Finalisten des öffentlichen Publikum-Votings 20
Neclime is an open international network of scientists working on cenozoic climate evolution and related changes of continental ecosystems.
The gicon® group is a group of international, independently operating engineering service providers.
Ameria ag | world leader in integrated gesture control
Welcome to the Entrepreneur Group ecosystem
Family day is high-tech gründerfonds' biggest networking event. The conference connects htgf start-ups, the vc ecosystem and representatives from industry
Musings about web development and cloud technology
The cdtm offers an honours degree in technology management. Learn hands-on about trend research, product development, and entrepreneurship, and go abroad
Startupdorf ist der verein für startups in der metropolregion düsseldorf. Wie bieten kostenlos matchmaking, pr, insights und startup support
Explore our world-leading robots, offering robotics solutions for diverse industries and standing at the forefront of research. Shape the future with us!
A modern, ip-enabled and secure communication and information network at the tactical level requires a reliable and stable network environment. Each ridux node
HIFMB | 564 Follower:innen auf LinkedIn. The HIFMB develops the scientific basis for marine conservation and marine ecosystem management. | The Helmholtz Institute
Datenschutz Grundsätzliches Wir respektieren Ihre Privatsphäre! Alle auf erhobenen Daten werden ausschließlich vertraulich behandelt und nicht an Dritte
Biodiversität, IPBES Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, CBD – Convention on biological diversity, biologische Vielfalt
ECOSYSTEM – x-log Elektronik GmbH
Gründerviertel – informationen rund um die startup szene in lübeck und schleswig-holstein.
AmpliTube TONEX - a complete ecosystem based on new AI Machine Modeling™ technology that lets you experience thousands of ultra-realistic Tone Models of guitar amps and pedals.
Embrace digital transformation and grow your tech team to support your company's development. Let's build success together!