List of companies in Germany
Hoodie (Hendrik Sollich) · GitHub
Likeminds and helping hands your mojo needs you! wir suchen menschen, die lieben, was sie tun. die geschichte des MOJO CLUBs begann anfang der 90er … Continued
Ndigo-Crate Ndigo-Crate: Your solution for combining several PCIe cards
From the very beginning our efforts were focussed on the peeling machine. Our special attention was paid to the potato peeling machine and the vegetable peeling
Welcome to! this is the single place where i collect my adventures into reactos, rust, and low-level system software, write about them, and release
HAY Colour Crate Mini – thehomestory
Daniel is using a entry-level cnc-machine to create useful and/or beautiful things. Many drawings are shared free (for personal use)
Mark hähnel is a software developer and maker from cologne, de. Interested in 3d printing, electronics and tinkering