List of companies in Finland
The book contains a proposal for 5 points for Nordic architecture on what to keep in mind when designing buildings that considers the climate situation.
Creative branding, web design and digital marketing studio based in finland. We create compelling and coherent visual content and websites that help our clients to connect with their audience
Good design and client insight yield the best client experience. We design, research and plan digital services and business.
We collaborated with Fiskars and Marc Camille Chaimowicz to create the Kitchen stand for Surprise Guest exhibition at Fiskars Village Art & Design Biennale.
Suomen kädentaidot -messut | vuoden odotetuin käsityö- ja design-tapahtuma vaalii koko pitkän viikonlopun kotimaista osaamista tampereella.
Ihmekammari - kimmo heikkilä design