List of companies in Canada
Micro Prêt Direct est une plateforme en ligne basée au Québec, Canada, qui propose des micro prêts instantanés allant de 100 $ à 5 000 $. Elle connecte les utilisateurs à des prêteurs directs et permet des approbations de prêt rapides, même pour ceux ayant un mauvais crédit.
Own your home? get a loan approved in less than 24 hours
We offer a single for loans and grants, and one place to address repayment issues and inquiries.
Get up to $25, 000 cash today! keep driving your car. Apply & receive loan online Borrow up to a $25, 000 title loan using a paid-off vehicle 9-years old or newer as collateral
Find relevant news for small business loans and financing, economic bulletins and reports, local events and workshops in the Cowichan Valley.