List of companies in Canada
First of all, Ayurvedic skincare is nothing new, and has been practiced for at least two thousand years but probably more. The term 'Ayurveda' originates from S
Drink this Ayurvedic Tea NOW - YOGUE
The kansa tool provides a whole-body rejuvenation. A gentle massage of the face with Kansa directs life-force energy to open marma points (Ayurvedic vitality points
Shirodhara Bliss 60-Minute – $195 | 90-Minute – $265 This relaxing & rejuvenating traditional Ayurvedic treatment combines floral waters, aromatic oils, and specific
Practice yoga in the ocean and study the art of surfing on the yoga mat. Prepare for an experience to re-connect to that which is wild, natural and free
Online Ayurvedic Services | Aurum Medicine & Wellness Clinic