List of companies in Belgium
Services aux designers Travailler avec Wallonie Design, c’est gagner en compétences et être guidé·e de vos décisions entrepreneuriales. Que vous soyez indépendant·e, en agence ou porteur·se de p
Samuel Scalzo | Freelance digital designer based in Belgium who loves to craft brands and attractive experiences for the web. Member of the Awwwards design jury.
Ux designer from belgium.
Ux/web designer, developer, teacher, based in brussels. Currently: web developer at apptweak
Vacatures in de creatieve en digitale sector in België Sinds 2005 hielpen we reeds meer dan 4.803 bedrijven bij het vinden van 21.458 werknemers
Stefan oury - ux/ ui designer
Siebe van dijck, visual designer & developer
Mobile/desktop app & web designer with webflow development expertise
Here are some reasons why you should work with me (web designer and developer Philip Marnef) if you're a designer or an agency.
As a Designer, Nina experienced that clients like to see the displays completed pretty rapidly. However, after working through several projects, she came to a realization
Melvyn hills | developer + ux designer
C a r g o S i t e B u i l d e r
Dumbo1 Designer Faces – WatchFaces for Smart Watches