As a customer centric business, through actively listening to our clients and fulfilling our promise to deliver whatever our clients need Up To Speed adopt a progressive progressive...
Tessitura, a CRM tailor-made for cultural organizations, was taking the industry by storm and companies needed a partner to put this powerful patron data to work.
Ready To Achieve PMP® Exam Success? Kool Derby provides a comprehensive PMP® training program designed to help you do well on the exam. Lead trainer, Dr. Jimmie
The ADD Coach Academy (ADDCA) is an internationally recognized, accredited ADHD and Life coach training program with students participating from all over North & South America, Europe, Australia, Asia & Africa.
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Speakersbase inspires your employees and customers in a rapidly changing world through keynotes, workshops and training programs. Topics covered: post-corona future
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Are you planning on becoming a yoga teacher & lead a healthier life? yoga teacher training in rishikesh covers all the aspects of the yogic lifestyle. Our yoga