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IACPE Leadership consists of an Academic Advisory Board, Industry Advisory Board, and Executive Board from around the world with over 125 years of experience collectively. All members of the.
Das zentrum für künstlerische nachlässe (zkn) widmet sich der wissenschaftlichen auseinandersetzung mit nachlässen der bereiche kunst, musik und literatur.
Between sustainability-related disclosures and product categorization in the financial services sector - Reflections on the consultation of the Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation: ICIR
Cyber valley is europe’s largest research consortium in the field of artificial intelligence. Academic and private sector partners are building bridges between
Türk dünyası belediyeler birliği | türk dünyası belediyeler birliği (tdbb), 30 farklı ülkeden 1.200’e yakın üye belediyesi ile balkanlardan kafkasya ve orta asya’ya
Das gottlieb duttweiler institut (gdi) ist der älteste think-tank der schweiz. Es betreibt trendforschung und veröffentlicht die ergebnisse mit studien und in konferenzen