Engineering & Software Development

List of companies

company icon Efficient enterprise software development and services at scale. Your go-to global partner consulting, software engineering, and managed services
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Bursys offers reports development, data warehouse & engineering, analysis, data visualization services. We work with many reporting solutions
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Apriorit is an outsourcing cybersecurity software development company that helps companies worldwide with c/c++ development, driver development, system programming, and reverse engineering projects.
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Experion technologies stands as a prominent global force in product engineering and digital transformation services for large enterprises and startups.
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Quanticdev's engineering and software development resources
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Forte group's full-spectrum, custom software delivery solutions help organizations accelerate and evolve their it engineering and unleash value.
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company icon Gitstart is a ticket to pr platform enabling elastic engineering capacity for companies that want to accelerate their software development
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Some months ago, Uber started the migration to the cloud, on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), of its batch data analytics and machine learning platform. In a recent post on its engineering blog, Uber prov
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South Africa
Engineering, web development, software development, solar energy installations, machine maintenance, embedded programming, pcb design, electronics, automation
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South Africa
Lani computer engineering
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Sturm software engineering – custom apps, programming and software development for the engineering, construction and manufacturing
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We are always looking for highly motivated and talented people to join our international team. Maffeis Engineering is proud of the work that we do, and wouldn’t
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