merittrac services

Company in India

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Empowering learners, Transforming lives
We will be a leading education services organisation respected globally for academic and business excellence, providing affordable and flexible learning solutions -powered by technology, innovation and passion.
Learners, enterprises and communities will reward us with market leadership creating prosperity for all our stakeholders.
Founded in 2000, MeritTrac is India’s leading provider of Testing and Assessment services for corporate organizations and educational institutions. Headquartered in Bangalore, the company offers comprehensive assessments for talent acquisition, catering to both freshers and experienced professionals. MeritTrac also manages examinations for educational institutions with technology-driven solutions, automating processes from test application to result evaluation. With a focus on test research and development, they offer domain and skill-based assessments, supported by advanced analytics that empower recruiters to analyze results and generate reports. MeritTrac has partnered with over 500 global organizations, facilitating job readiness assessments.

  last updated on December 23rd, 2024